Technical specification for the management of marine protected areas 海洋自然保护区管理技术规范
Effective marine protected areas and good fishing management ensures fish for our grandchildrens grandchildren and beyond, he said 他续称:高效益的海洋保育区以及良好的渔业管理,将能够确保我们世世代代仍有鱼类观赏及食用。
Is for anchor if you are out sailing in a marine protected area, make sure you anchor in a designated place, to avoid damaging the corals on the seabed 代表anchor,即抛锚停泊若你在海岸保护区内驾驶船只,请在指定位置下锚,避免破坏海床上的珊瑚。
These countries intend to establish a network of marine protected areas, in order to reduce fishing on the coral reefs of the damage caused, and the promotion of eco-tourism 这些国家打算建立一个海洋保护区网络,以减少捕鱼对珊瑚礁造成的破坏,并推广生态观光业。
Lastly, with the backing of jnc nature fund the centre will be used to monitor marine protected areas in the locality and to facilitate workshops and conferences on regional marine conservation 最后,本会亦将透过海洋生物中心监察海岸保护区,以及举办区域性海洋保育工作坊和会议。
Wwf hong kong will work hard to ensure these marine treasures will be protected by lobbying for the designation of more marine protected areas and calling for more effective management on the marine parks, " added mr . shaw 世界自然基金会将继续努力工作,透过游说政府辟设更多海洋保育区,以及为海岸公园制定更有效的管理方案,确保这些天然珍贵资源能受到保护。
The report calls for greater co-operation between russia and the united states to jointly develop a precautionary commercial fishing strategy, and to create marine protected areas where commercial fishing would not be allowed during critical periods 报告呼吁美俄两国加强合作,联合发展一套审慎的商业捕鱼策略,以及划出海洋保护区,在海鱼繁殖期禁止渔民在区内进行商业捕鱼活动。
As well as the conservation and fisheries benefits, increased amounts of no-take marine protected areas should have substantial benefits to local divers and the diving industry by increasing the amount and diversity of fishes that divers can see here added dr cornish 本会正致力制定务实可行的建议,期望能惠及本港渔业市民和经济,本会将于8月25日举行的记者招待会上公布有关建议。